Visual Progress

On this page I will be adding photgraphs of many of the thing that I do with the students in the classroom that the students seem to enjoy!

Parent Information


This letter was sent home with your student on Sept. 7, 2017.



Week 2

This week we have had our FIRST WEEK of the special S&E! S&E stands for social and emotional- during this time we have a counselor  come in to the classroom and teach us a small lesson!


Week 3

This week in S&E we have written  Kindness Letters to someone we love!


Week 4

This week we have gotten to go on a nature walk as a class outside to explore the difference between living and non-living things!




Week 5

This week I have brought a gerbil into the classroom as part of a lesson I will be teaching on October 18th. The students have helped to name him and seem to be excited to observe him over the next few weeks!  

Week 6:

We have been continuing to observe Winston in his environment for our science project!


Week 7:

This week has been so exciting! I bought in Cherrios as a manipulative for a math lesson! I also taught a fun lesson about responsibilty and accountibility. This week we started doing GoNoodle which the students LOVED!




Week 8: 

Mrs. Ratican came to complete our science project with us on Winston! 





Week 9:

This week we started swimming at the Y! It was such a great thing of the school to set up for us, we also got to have our halloween party! :) 


Week 10: 

This week we have been learning a lot about literal questions, we have read multiple stories in which we answered literal questions! Our favorite was the one about Hedgehogs!


Week 11: 

I was not here this week. We had parent-teacher confrences and 12 parents came! We had the most parents attend in all of the second grade!


Week 12:

This was Miss Dean's week back! On Monday Mrs. Beil was absent for a meeting, so our sub, Mrs. Crowe the art teacher, did art activities with us while I taught reading and math. 


Week 13:

This week has been so much fun, we got to do our unit theme that I taught! I had guided centers set up on Thursday that the children LOVED! Also, since we have been going to the Y for swimming, The Vindicator came to interview our class! :) It was SO exciting!



After the new crew left, we had time to allow the students to pretend to be president behind the podium.